In this video, Becca Walthart, a SMEC master' student, explains appropriate piglet environment, colostrum management, cross-fostering, and piglet processing.
In this video, Grace deNeui, Iowa State University, discusses the common practice of split suckling.
In this video, Abigail Statler, Iowa State University, explains cross-fostering practices.
In this video, Emiline Sundman, Iowa State University, describes the use of attractants to stimulate neonatal piglet interest in rope enrichment.
In this video, Andrew Boschert, Kansas State University, explains research done to evaluate the effects of injectable iron on newborn piglets.
In this video, Kayla Mills, Purdue University, explains research done to evaluate the effects of different induction protocols on the farrowing process, fetal oxygen supply, colostrum intake, and piglet survival.
In this video, Madie Wensley, Kansas State University, explains the findings of her literature review on pre-weaning strategies that improve feed intake in the immediate post-weaning period.
This video from the Pork Information Gateway will discuss, and demonstrate piglet orientation during farrowing and proper techniques for pulling piglets that get stuck at the pelvis of the sow.
In this video, Dr. Julia Holen discusses the impact of essential fatty acids in lactation diets on sow and litter performance.
In this video, Dr. Kara Stewart, Purdue University, discusses the basic biology of colostrum in pigs.
Colostrum is the first milk produced by the sow and is essential for piglet survival and growth.
Light birthweight, weak piglets and piglets born later in the birth order require additional management to ensure adequate colostrum intake.
Importance of Body Temperature on Piglet's Success
Importance of Providing Injectable Iron to Newborn Piglets
Importance of Colostrum on Survival of Newborn Piglets
Importance of Weaning Age on Survival of Wean
Impact of Essential Fatty Acids on Sow and Litter Performance
The Common Practice of Split Suckling
Cross-Fostering Practices Explained
La Importancia de la Temperatura Corporal en el Éxito de los Lechones
La Importancia de Proporcionar Hierro I Inyectable a los Lechones Recién Nacidos
La importancia del calostro para la supervivencia de lechones recién nacidos
La Importancia de la edad de destete en la supervivencia de los cerdos destetados
El Impacto de los Ácidos Grasos Esenciales en el Desempeño de las Cerdas y Sus Camadas
La práctica común de la lactación dividida
La práctica de la adopción cruzada explicada
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